The Life and Legacy of Pc_Siqueira: A Comprehensive Overview


Early Life and Career Beginnings

Childhood and Challenges

Paulo Cezar Goulart Siqueira, widely known as Pc_Siqueira, was born on April 18, 1986, in Guarulhos, São Paulo, Brazil. From a young age, PC faced significant adversity due to his strabismus, a condition that led to bullying from his peers. Despite these challenges, PC’s resilience shone through. Self-teaching himself to read and write, he found solace and expression in the world of comic book illustration and coloring. By the age of fifteen, he had already embarked on a career in this creative field.

Rise to YouTube Fame

In February 2010, PC launched his YouTube channel, “Maspoxavida,” where he quickly gained popularity. His critical and often controversial videos covered a wide array of topics, from current events to social issues. His outspoken nature, particularly his critiques of religion, resonated with many viewers and sparked debates. One of his most notorious comments, “Cockroach, in my opinion, is proof that God does not exist,” highlighted his atheistic and antireligionist views.

Television Ventures

MTV Brazil (2011–2013)

PC’s success on YouTube caught the attention of MTV Brazil, where he debuted his weekly show “PC na TV” in March 2011. The program, which mimicked a computer monitor’s interface, featured news, interviews, and special reports with a unique aesthetic approach. Despite its popularity, the show was canceled in June 2013 due to a crisis at the broadcaster. During his tenure at MTV, PC also hosted other programs such as “MTV Games,” “Furo MTV,” and “Nunca Verão.”

PlayTV and TBS Brazil (2015–2016)

After a brief hiatus, PC returned to television in April 2015 with “Jorgecast” on PlayTV, co-hosting with YouTuber Cauê Moura. In May 2016, he joined TBS Brazil’s comedy show “Caravana na TV,” further showcasing his versatility and talent in the entertainment industry.

Personal Struggles and Achievements

Health and Surgery

In June 2016, PC underwent surgery to correct his strabismus, a decision influenced a conversation with his brother. Documenting his journey on YouTube, he shared the positive impact the surgery had on his self-esteem. However, PC’s transparency about his struggles extended beyond physical health. He openly discussed his battles with depression, anxiety, and panic syndrome, providing a candid look into his personal life.

Publications and Reality TV

PC’s influence extended into literature with the release of “PC Siqueira Está Morto” (PC Siqueira is Dead), a science fiction book Alexandre Matias that explored aspects of PC’s life. In 2019, he participated in the Brazilian reality show “O Aprendiz” (The Apprentice), where he was eliminated in episode 11.


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Controversies and Legal Issues

Religious and Political Views

PC’s atheistic views and antireligionist stance often placed him at the center of controversy. He made provocative statements, such as using a Christian cross as a meatbeater and mocking religious symbols. Politically, PC endorsed Ciro Gomes in the 2018 Brazilian general election, reflecting his active engagement in public discourse.

Pedophilia Allegations

In June 2020, PC was accused of sharing explicit photos of a 6-year-old child. The allegations emerged from an anonymous Twitter account that shared screenshots of a conversation implicating PC. Despite vehemently denying the accusations as fake news, the incident led to significant fallout, including the termination of the “Ilha de Barbados” channel partnership with Cauê Moura and Rafinha Bastos. Following a thorough investigation, the São Paulo police found no evidence to support the allegations against PC, clearing his name in February 2021.

Untimely Death

On December 27, 2023, PC Siqueira was found dead in his apartment in the Santo Amaro neighborhood of São Paulo. His death, ruled a suicide hanging, marked a tragic end to a tumultuous yet impactful life.

Legacy and Impact

Pc_Siqueira’s journey from a bullied child to a prominent YouTuber and television presenter is a testament to his resilience and creativity. Despite facing numerous personal and professional challenges, his contributions to digital media and television left an indelible mark on Brazilian pop culture. His candid discussions about mental health and atheism sparked important conversations and influenced many.



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