What is dns_probe_finished_nxdomain?


dns_probe_finished_nxdomain is a common error that many users encounter when browsing the internet. It is associated with DNS (Domain Name System) issues, specifically when the DNS cannot resolve the domain name you’re trying to access. This error typically manifests as a message in your browser, stating that the DNS lookup failed because the domain name does not exist (NXDOMAIN).

Causes of dns_probe_finished_nxdomain Error

1. Incorrect URL Typing

One of the primary reasons for encountering the dns_probe_finished_nxdomain error is mistyping the URL in the address bar. Even a small typo can lead to the DNS being unable to find a matching domain.

2. DNS Cache Issues

Sometimes, your computer or browser’s DNS cache may contain outdated information. This can prevent the DNS from correctly resolving the domain name to its current IP address, resulting in the dns_probe_finished_nxdomain error.

3. DNS Server Problems

Issues with the DNS server you are using can also cause this error. If the DNS server is slow, unresponsive, or misconfigured, it may fail to provide the correct IP address for the domain you want to access.

4. Internet Connection Problems

Your internet connection itself could be experiencing issues. If your connection is unstable or if there are network disruptions, it can lead to DNS lookup failures and trigger the dns_probe_finished_nxdomain error.

Resolving dns_probe_finished_nxdomain Error

1. Check the URL for Typos

Ensure that you have correctly typed the URL in the address bar. Double-check for any spelling mistakes or extra characters that might be causing the issue.

2. Clear DNS Cache

To clear your DNS cache on Windows, you can open Command Prompt and use the command ipconfig /flushdns. On macOS, you can clear the DNS cache with sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder.

3. Use Google’s Public DNS

Switching to a different DNS server like Google Public DNS ( and or Cloudflare DNS ( can sometimes resolve DNS-related issues and pass the dns_probe_finished_nxdomain error.

4. Restart Your Router

Rebooting your router can help refresh your internet connection and resolve temporary network issues that may be causing the DNS problem.

5. Disable Proxy Settings

If you are using proxy settings in your browser or system, try disabling them temporarily to see if they are causing the dns_probe_finished_nxdomain error.


In conclusion, encountering the dns_probe_finished_nxdomain error can be frustrating, but understanding its causes and knowing how to troubleshoot it can help you resolve the issue quickly. By following the steps outlined above, you can effectively diagnose and fix DNS-related problems that lead to this error. Remember to check for typos in the URL, clear your DNS cache regularly, consider using alternative DNS servers, and ensure that your internet connection is stable. By taking these proactive measures, you can minimize disruptions and enjoy a smoother browsing experience.



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